
  • Balloons

  • Construction paper, feathers & other decorating supplies

  • Glue

  • String

  • Straws

  • Tape

  • Scissors

  • Anchor points (chairs, tables, etc)


  1. Blow up your balloon and use a clip to close off the end so the air doesn’t escape.

  2. Decorate your balloon with feathers, googly eyes, etc.

  3. Set up your race course with two anchor points (chairs, etc)

  4. Cut straw to about 4 inches of length.

  5. Place the straw on a piece of string and tie it off on each of the anchor points.

  6. Pull the straw back to your starting point on your string and tape your Turkey to the straw.

  7. When you are ready to race, remove the clip while keeping the end firmly pinched in between your fingers to prevent air getting out.

  8. Then on the count of three, let go!

Things to Think About
Try changing the direction of your thrust by releasing the balloon differently each time. Pull down a bit or to the side.

adapted from Steam Powered Family


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