4 Kids Books Celebrating Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends and reflection. (And pumpkin pie, turkey and football). Enjoy these delightful holiday reads.…

The First Thanksgiving by Kathryn Lynn Davis. A Thanksgiving book that teaches history and boosts fine motor skills when little readers peek at the pictures underneath the flaps. Recommended for infants.

Dino-Thanksgiving by Lisa Wheeler. The dinos share in not one, but two, Thanksgiving feasts―one for the carnivores and another for the veggie-saurs. Dinos love the Thanksgiving parade, football and traditions. Recommended for toddlers.

Yummy: A History of Desserts by Victoria Grace Elliott. Discover the yummy history behind desserts like brownies, ice cream and apple pie. This book is filled with facts and recipes readers can make dessert for the Thanksgiving. Recommended for elementary schoolers.

The Midnight Children by Dan Gemeinhart. Ravani Foster and the whole town of Slaughterville are changed by the arrival of seven unusual children. This book will let readers reflect on big holiday themes: friendship, family and finding a place to belong. Recommended for tweens.


Cranberry Slime


Turkey Cheese Ball