4 Kids Books Celebrating Sleep

March is home to Sleep Awareness Week. We’re celebrating with some funny and helpful books about getting your zzz's…

Everyone is Awake by Colin Meloy. Take a comedic romp with this rollicking read-aloud. Instead of sleeping, this zany household bakes bread, plays with the cat and dances. This book may even make a sleep-deprived mama laugh. Recommended for infants.

Wants vs. Needs vs. Robots by Michael Rex. We want toys, but we need sleep. In this adorable book, robots use easy-to-explain language to distinguish between wants and needs. Recommended for toddlers.

Good Night to Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: A Growth Mindset Bedtime Book for Kids by JoAnn Deak. A good night’s sleep helps brain health, locks in your learning and resets your mind so it’s ready to go explore and discover new things the next day. Recommended for elementary schoolers.

A First Time for Everything by Dan Santat. Dan goes to Europe on a school trip. Can he survive jet lag, fondue and middle school girls? He might not sleep, but he will have exciting new experiences. Recommended for tweens.


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